Saturday, May 28, 2011

Too Far Gone!

I am going to make a bold statement that some people may not like, may even disagree with.  It is this:    "Societally, economically, politically, and morally this nation is too far gone for national redemption!"

For too many years sinister forces have been working to weaken to the foundations of our society and have succeeded to such degree that our walls have collapsed and the enemy is pouring in through the gaps.  We are being overrun by hell's minions.  This is their hour.

This ship is going down.  It will not pull out of the dive.  Get in the lifeboat of God's kingdom so you don't get sucked down with it.  There is only one society that will survive the coming days and it is the society of the Cross of Jesus.  It is the followers of the Way.  It is the society of those who have sworn ultimate allegiance to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I am saying, unload anything that holds you back from getting into the lifeboat.  It's not worth hanging onto and it will cause you to go down with the ship.

We must abandon the false hopes being preached from  many of the pulpits in this land.  These are false prophets who do not prophecy at God's direction.  They are full of themselves. 

God is done with this nation and the world in its present form.  Man has had his opportunity and has failed miserably and for this God is about to require an accounting.

Shed your tears and then move on!  What lies beyond the death of our nation in its present form is something that will make you and I forget how good we thought we had it here.  It is so much better as to make all this pale.

Don't be like Lot's wife and look back.  Get out of Sodom now because fire is on its way and nothing will be left standing but that kingdom that is everlastingly glorious.  Embrace it.

Does that mean we just hide out until it's over?  Absolutely not!  We are called to warn others of the impending storm and save those who are willing to be saved.  Preach the gospel of the kingdom now with more zeal and fervency than you ever did before because there are many who will listen and will get in the boat with you.

Expect more than ever for God to manifest His power to confirm your witness.  Be bold and courageous and unflinching.  The Holy Spirit will manifest Himself in ways you didn't think possible and guide you to Divine appointments with unerring accuracy.

This is not the hour to shrink back but stand up like Peter and John in the marketplace and declare Jesus as the only way, the only truth that will save, and the only life that will sustain in these days of trouble and turbulence.

I am being pressed by the Spirit to throw off any encumbrances of the flesh and the world.  Remember, if you are escaping a sinking ship you don't have much time to grab extras.  There isn't that much room in the lifeboat.  Only the essentials.

While it may be over in one way, it is just the beginning in another.  Keep that in mind.  He is coming.  Hallelujah!

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