Thursday, September 15, 2011

Loosing Our Sight

1Sa 10:28 
Meanwhile, Nahash, king of the Ammonites, had been severely oppressing the descendants of Gad and descendants of Reuben, gouging out their right eyes and not allowing Israel to have a deliverer. No one was left among the Israelis across the Jordan whose right eye Nahash, king of the Ammonites, had not gouged out. However, 7,000 men had escaped from the Ammonites and entered Jabesh-gilead.

This is what happens when people don't serve God. They find themselves under the oppression of others.

It amazes me at myself. How many times have I left myself open to oppression from the enemy because I got out from under the tent of God's blessing and protection?

I note that this evil king gouged out the right eye which symbolizes wisdom and insight. We lose vision and revelation when we stop walking with God and try to go it on our own.

It is vital to our safety, peace, and joy that we stay under the umbrella of God's love and government.

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