Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Psa 34:19

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.
  Realistically, we are foolish to expect that we shall move through this portion of our lives without trials and afflictions. David says they are "many." Especially for those who choose to live righteously. We have set ourselves against the grain, against the tide that flows the other way. Afflictions should be expected.

The wonderful word that follows is that the Lord will deliver us out of every one of them. We have only to maintain our righteous position and keep our trust in Him and He will deliver us.

The temptation is to give in to the pull of the tide especially when we grow weary of struggling to go the opposite direction. But we must call upon Him who is faithful and He will strengthen us to continue the journey.

The end of the story is this:

The LORD redeems the soul of His servants, And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned."  (v. 22)
Our reward isn't in this world. It is in the world to come when the meek shall indeed inherit the earth.

O be encouraged brother, sister. Yes, afflictions will come and they may be many BUT, and as Charles Spurgeon would say, "blessed but," the Lord delivers them out of them ALL. Amen.

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