Saturday, May 30, 2015

Go To The Well

So He came to a city of Samaria which is called Sychar, near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
(Joh 4:5-6 NKJV)

I was reading this passage the other day for an entirely different reason than what the Lord had in mind.  As I was reading I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Check out the well."

It occurred to me that as significant as it was for Jesus to go to Samaria (which was really out of His way) in order to go to Galilea, it was significant that He meet this woman at the well, her well.

The well represents our point of need.  It represents the places we go to to try and find satisfaction.  It is those places we go to again and again for some comfort and it is precisely the place where God wants to meet us because He knows that's where we need Him the most.

As I meditated on all this I wrote down several observations about meeting God at our wells.

1.  Potentially you can meet God at the point of your deepest wound or need.

2.  It's at that well that your issues are going to get worked out.

3.  It's at a well (where you have to reach down deep) that you are going to find the greatest refreshment for your soul but it won't be from the source you have normally tried to get it.

4.  It's at your well that Jesus is going to lovingly tell you the truth about your need.  While some of it has been inflicted by others some of it you have inflicted on yourself and He is going to help you sort through that.

5.  Your will have to work for this refreshment at your well.  You will have to engage with God in that place of need.

6.  It's at your well that your thinking is going to get tested and possibly corrected.

7.  It's at the well you are going to find out that that well isn't enough to satisfy the longings of your soul.  It never did (and you knew it) and it never will though you had hoped that it would.

8.  It is at that well, if you will go there with God, where your life will take a dramatic turn.

Sadly we avoid being probed by God.  We are afraid it will hurt too much and we are also afraid it might not change anything.

If you go to your well expecting to meet God, He will meet you there and He will change your life there.  Anyone who meets with Jesus at their point of need never leaves without finding satisfaction.  If you don't believe me, take the word of a woman from Samaria instead.  She will tell you it's true.

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