Monday, February 18, 2019

The Government of God - Part Three

From the last post I tried to establish why some form of government is needed:   

"Order necessitates some form of government.  Without it there is chaos.  In other words to have order there must be governing laws to bring about the order needed."

That leads us to examine what form of government is best suited to the human condition and why.

Why A Kingdom Form Of Government?

First of all, for there to be order someone has to assume responsibility for its organization and its preservation.  Whatever form of government is authored it must be 1) efficient and, 2) meet the needs of what it is governing. 

The problem with human governments typically is those organizing and attempting to preserve order have differing levels of understanding and power for maintaining that order and efficiency often takes a back seat to other considerations.

Can we admit that there isn’t a human being or a collection of human beings alive that possesses all the faculties necessary to be able to establish a government that perfectly meets the needs of all other human beings?

It can reasonably be assumed that the fewer minds involved in the process of formulating government the better as long as those minds are not only in agreement with what is needed but also have the power and willingness to carry out the requirements to preserve that order. 

Therein lies the rub.  One person’s ideas of what is needed often conflicts with that of another.  That is because, as stated, they each possess differing levels of understanding of the how much government is needed.

Not only that but who among us has the wisdom and power to not only establish this government but maintain it as well?

 That is where God comes into the picture. 

He rules not only by virtue of the fact that He created the universes but because He and He alone possesses all the capacities necessary to not only create order out of nothingness but the power to preserve that order – infinite wisdom, infinite power, and infinite presence (everywhere present at all times).

Let's stop there for now.  In the next blog we will talk more about how important God's form of government is to the earth and why it is the best kind of government for us.

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