Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Kingdom of God Series - The Government of God, Part Five

God is the supreme ruler of the universe and in that capacity has enacted a wonderful plan that includes you and I.

What is Man’s Part in All of This?

“Love Is Not Alone,” so said a very young artist some time ago (Akiane Kramarik). 

Again Dr. Myles Munroe chimes in with these thoughts:

"…if God is love, then His actions would naturally or supernaturally be the manifestation of the nature of love.  One of the obvious qualities of love is that love has to give and share itself.  If this be so, then the very nature of God would be to desire share His ruler ship and government.  In essence, love is fulfilled when it gives and shares itself."  (Munroe M. , Rediscovering The Kingdom, 2004, p. 25).

In the counsels of Heaven it was decided that the highest good God could achieve in this creation He was about to spin out from His presence was to do it in partnership with a being much like Himself although a created being.  This being would possess ability to will, to think and reason, and, most of all to love in much the same way as the Creator Himself. 

Additionally this being would be able to exercise authority over the creation God had made but the plan was that he/they would do so in a partnership relationship – one of stewardship, not ownership.  In return, God would provide for every need this being would ever have.  And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” Genesis 1:29, NKJV.  It was the ideal arrangement.  It still is.  But….We will address that in the next section.

The Cruel Deception.

The prince of the cherubim who had everything but who ended up with nothing convinced man that God was selling Him short and that there was more to be had.  Man fell for the deal and, like the liar who deceived him, lost all that he had.  Ever since then man has been searching for what was lost.  And that’s where the message of John the Baptist and Jesus comes into play.

The Divine Solution

The kingdom once lost now would become the kingdom restored.  Jesus, the God/Man, the second Adam, would reclaim what the first Adam had lost.  Once again the government of God would be reinserted into the world through redeemed mankind.  Once again man and God would partner to see the Kingdom of Heaven established on the earth as well.

That is the mission.  We have been commissioned to reassert the Kingdom of God on our planet and reclaim or, if you will, restore that kingdom to its rightful place as the government by which the earth is ruled.  That is what the church should be engaging in not personal kingdoms and domains but His kingdom and His righteousness.  We must see ourselves as extensions of His kingdom on the earth and make its message our highest priority by example as well as by our words.

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