Thursday, December 19, 2019

Guest Post From Joshua Flick

Back in early September, I walked into a job interview for a Canadian company that I knew nothing about. After spending the last six years working for an oil distributor as an outside salesman, I was ready to move on to something new but had no idea what God had in front of me. I just knew that it was time for a change as I had grown incredibly frustrated with where I was at and came to the conclusion that I had to move on.
As I walked into the lobby of the hotel where the interview was to be held I was greeted at the door by a man with a French accent.
After we grabbed some coffee and headed outside to the patio to talk, he said to me “do me a favor, take off the tie.  I understand you are showing respect by dressing up, but this is not going to be a typical interview; we are going to have more of a casual and relaxed conversation.”  I said, “Ok, no problem” and proceeded to remove my tie.

As we began to talk, I knew right away that this man was very different. He had no air about him, no arrogance, and no wall up. He was incredibly transparent and was just himself in the moment. And I knew within ten minutes of sitting down and speaking with him that I wanted to work for him. We just seemed to click in our philosophies of business and approach to life in general. It was a poignant moment in my life that I will never forget.

After an hour and a half, as I left the interview, I prayed “Lord, if this is what you have for me, then open every door. And if it’s not, then close the door and open a different one. I only want to be where YOU want me to be, and for whatever reason YOU have.”

Needless to say, I accepted the position and have been on the job now for close to two months. Over those last two months, I have experienced a tremendous amount of change.

In many conversations with friends and family and colleagues, before, during and after the process, they have all said the same thing, “I get it, you weren’t happy and needed to move on.” But it really wasn’t about me being happy. I reached a point of being unfulfilled in what I was doing every day. I recognized that despite not wanting to leave the comfort-ability of my job, God was leading me on to where HE wanted me to be.

Furthermore, I believe that happiness is a byproduct of obedience. And in all honesty, I have felt at times, tremendously overwhelmed with all that I have had to learn and understand with this new position.

With that being said, God does not call us to be happy. He calls us to be holy. And holiness requires refinement. But sometimes, we get hung up on pursuing happiness, instead of pursuing holiness. And holiness is ultimately what God desires for us because it is for our betterment, and eventually, makes us more like Him.

I am now part of a team of ten people that serve the Western Region of the US for this company and out of those ten, I have confirmed that five of us are believers. I’m not sure about the remaining five; one of those being the gentlemen I spoke of earlier, with whom I initially interviewed with for my new position. Nevertheless, I believe that God has strategically placed me where I am, at this time, for HIS purpose, regardless of MY happiness (although I can say that I am very happy in this position), and that fills my heart with joy and anticipation for the harvest that I know will come for the Kingdom.

Back in late 2015, during initial conversations with Jerry and Plum regarding my ordination with HRM, Jerry conveyed to me that God was showing him that Serena (my wife) and I were to be “marketplace missionaries” given that we currently work in the business sector and that God has strategically placed us here for His ultimate purpose and glory. Since taking this job, God has placed a tremendous burden on my heart for my boss. He is an amazing individual who already has a testimony of some extraordinary things that have happened to him but has no idea that those things were God ordained or sovereign.

I find it no coincidence that we are currently studying in the book of Jonah at our church this month. Now, we all know the story of Jonah, but I have learned some new things recently that are directly applicable to this situation.

First, the book of Jonah mirrors itself within its four chapters by replicating in that last two chapters what has transpired with the first two.

Jonah hears from the Lord, he then responds to that (not in a good way), and then is reflective of what has transpired. Then, God speaks to him again, he responds, and is reflective of what God’s response is to Nineveh.

We know by being students of the Word, that whenever something is mentioned more than once or is repeated in theme or storyline, this is a moment when God is trying to get our attention and speak to us.

Secondly, the city of Nineveh was actually a metal refinery. (insert raised eyebrow here). Yes, God was calling Jonah to a refinery! But, it is no accident that he was also trying to refine Jonah in the process of calling him there. Lastly, Jonah was perfectly ok with what God was saying about Nineveh, and wanted that as well, he just didn’t want to be the one to deliver the message of God to Nineveh. As my brother Jim often says; “we need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.” In other words, wherever God is calling us, and whatever He is calling us to do, it’s probably not going to be comfortable. And we need to be ok with that.

We live in a dark world that grows darker by the hour. But, we are light bearers. And more importantly, we are HIS light bearers that will illuminate this world for the Kingdom of God wherever we go and whatever we do!

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