Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Lord, The Righteous Judge

1Sa 24:15 Yea, Jehovah shall be judge, and shall judge between you and me. Yea, He shall see and contend for my cause, and shall deliver me out of your hand.
The Believer's Bible Commentary says:

"In David's words to Saul, he twice called on the LORD to act as Judge. He was content to leave his case in the hands of God rather than do what might seem right to the natural man. One of the things Peter remembered about our Lord was that "when He was reviled, [He] did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously" (1 Peter 2:23).  May God enable us to be as trustingly calm in the face of adversity!"

How easy it is to make our own judgments. We have an inbred sense of justice and we know when things offend us. Many times that sense is accurate but even then we cannot trust ourselves to determine what the judgment should be, especially when the injustice has been committed against ourselves. Too often we cannot settle for simply handing out justice equal to the crime. We want revenge and we go for vengeance; more than the crime requires. We want payback! But who is to say how much that should be?

The Bible tells us that vengeance belongs to God and that He will repay. Only God knows the real value of things and He alone is impartial enough to set the fair price for payback.

Too many of us take matters into our own hands rather than letting God take care of things. One of the reasons that is so is we don't think He acts swiftly enough and we want our vengeance asap!

However, David's restraint and trust in God to be the judge of his case is a good example how excellent God truly is at handling matters when we trust them into His care. Saul falls upon his own sword literally and figuratively (1 Sam. 31:4). David was avenged of his enemy in a way that no man could accuse him of taking Saul's life. Not only so but he couldn't be accused of seeking the throne out of selfish ambition.

May we take instruction and take heart from this story. The Lord knows the path of the righteous and He is their defender. When we trust Him with our lives He will protect, deliver, and defend.


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