Sunday, January 15, 2012

Overcoming Rash Decisions

2Sa 16:4 So the king said to Ziba, "Here, all that belongs to Mephibosheth is yours." And Ziba said, "I humbly bow before you, that I may find favor in your sight, my lord, O king!"
David is fleeing from Absolem who is trying to take over the kingdom from his father. 

For the full story on who Ziba is read 2 Samuel 9.  He was the head servant for Jonathan's son Mephibosheth.

Ziba, under the guise of bringing provisions to David and his fleeing army, is really endeavoring to gain the property of his master and misrepresents his master to the king.  David, in the emotion of all that is going on in his life, falls for Ziba's deception and gives him what he wants.

"This conduct of David was very rash; he spoiled an honorable man to reward a villain, not giving himself time to look into the circumstances of the case. But David was in heavy afflictions, and these sometimes make even a wise man mad. Nothing should be done rashly; he who is in the habit of obeying the first impulse of his passions or feelings, will seldom do a right action, and never keep a clear conscience." (Clarke's Commentary)

I take note of Adam Clarke's observation that the man who tends to act on first impulses hardly ever makes a right decision and frequently ends up regretting what he's done. I am one who has often acted in such a fashion and I can testify to this truth.

God designed that emotions should be subject to the mind, not the other way around. It was to be the caboose not the engine.

May God help me to stop that process and let the heart and mind speak truth.  Then and only then will good decisions be made. 

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