Thursday, March 8, 2012

He who rules MUST be just

The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: 'He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God.  2Sa 23:3.
Some things I note in this statement.

1. A ruler of men Must be just. According to Strong the word "just" applies to one who is morally upright, of good moral character, a person of integrity.

God said to David that this is an imperative requirement for those who would occupy a place of leadership over others.

This kind of person recognizes:

a. They are as mortal as are those they rule.

b. Those they rule over are men like themselves, not brute beasts.

c. Justness requires an honest appraisal of one's own weaknesses and strengths and makes   allowance for the same in others.

d. They feel responsibility to uphold laws whether they be divine or otherwise.

2. They MUST rule in the fear of God.

Matthew Henry points out they those who rule must

a. be walking in the fear of the Lord themselves and,

b. they must promote the fear of the Lord in others.

What struck me when I read this was how sadly lacking this realization is in the people who currently rule this nation.

Many of our founders walked in the fear of the Lord and sought to be just in their dealings. That day has passed. Now our officials more often than not are simply concerned about staying in office and doing whatever is necessary to achieve that goal. Which means they will sell their souls to the highest bidder.

We blatantly offend God with our laws sanctioning practices that He has warned against. We celebrate evil-doers and reward those who engage in false weights and balances. Our leaders have softened judgments affecting those who practice deception as long as they put money in the election coffers.

Most of our leaders know little or nothing of the fear of God. Most are secularists. Others maintain the practice of religion to satisfy the gullible public. Still others have never delved into the depths of God to be able to see with vision who God is, what He is about, or what He has planned.

Sadly this is a reflection on the general populace who themselves don't recognize the need for such qualities to be found in their leadership. Their only real interests are in what will benefit them the most.

Listen to the cry of God through the prophet Isaiah:

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

My heart is quite heavy for I see a nation that is broken morally. We have perverted justice to the point we can longer see the light of truth even when it is pointed out to us.

We have so engaged in reprobation that God has given us as a people over to our own ways.

Understand that I speak knowing there is a remnant but in comparison to the larger population that remnant is exceedingly small and I don't believe it is a large enough number for God to do for us what He promised to do for Abraham in the matter of Sodom and Gommorah (Genesis 18).

To the remnant I say we need to prepare ourselves for the days ahead. They are going to be exceedingly difficult particularly as we see sin abounding and no justice forthcoming. Just remember God's grace toward us will much more abound if we will remain faithful to Him.

The day is coming when justice will "run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream," (Amos 5:24). Right now this is their "hour and and (that of) the power of darkness," (Luke 22:53). They get an hour, we get a day. Hold on to that and while you are holding, reach out with the other hand to rescue those whom God will send your way who can be snatched from the flames.

This is a time that requires more than just a casual relationship with your God. You and I must be bold and tenacious in our insistence on His presence with us. We must learn to cleave to each other and watch over each other to exhort and stir each other to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24).

Do we pray for our leaders? We are commanded to do so. Some may be saved from themselves and the wicked system to which they have given themselves over.

Do we exercise our privileges as citizens? Yes, but our hope isn't in this world. It is in the One who created it.

We must fix our eyes above. He is our hope.


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