Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Keeping Rank

1Ch 12:38 All these men of war, who could keep ranks, came to Hebron with a loyal heart, to make David king over all Israel; and all the rest of Israel were of one mind to make David king.
A comment from Matthew Henry puts a good spin on this verse.

"It is said of most of these that they were mighty men of valour (1Ch_12:25, 1Ch_12:28, 1Ch_12:30), of others that they were expert in war (1Ch_12:35, 1Ch_12:36), and of them all that they could keep rank, 1Ch_12:38. They had a great deal of martial fire, and yet were governable and subject to the rules of order - warm hearts but cool heads."

Not having served in the military I can only imagine what a powerful statement this is regarding the character of these men. When arrows were raining down on them from the enemy and every effort was being made to turn their order into chaos they were able to keep rank.

In making a personal application to myself, I quickly recognize the spiritual principle to be gleaned. The temptation to run (associated with self preservation) is strong even close to overpowering when one feels under heavy spiritual attack. Being able to hold steady is a developed discipline.

We have every assurance that our commander is still in control of the situation and will prevail with us if we will stay with Him and listen to His voice and follow His lead. As Elisha's servant learned, more are they that are for us than they that are against us (2 Kings 6:8 - 17).

We must learn not to break rank for in keeping rank we call the enemy's bluff and expose his lies.

How many times have the people of God been seemingly outnumbered yet arose victorious? When we have the assurance of His presence and power we need only to stand and not run. The battle is His.

1 comment:

  1. Good Word, standing is important, I wonder how many times I quit in the eleventh hour and missed God's best for me. "..having done all, stand..."
    Kevin Wolfer
