Sunday, June 3, 2012

Having the Word of the Lord

So Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam, Achbor, Shaphan, and Asaiah went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe--now she dwelt in Jerusalem, in the Second Quarter--and they talked with her.   2 Kings 22:14

Here is the High Priest, the king's scribe, and other officials of the king going to to a woman to get the word of the Lord. Wow. Imagine that. God uses women!

Adam Clarke made this comment:

We find from this, and we have many facts in all ages to corroborate it, that a pontiff, a pope, a bishop, or a priest, (and I add a pastor or any minister) may, in some cases, not possess the true knowledge of God; and that a simple woman, possessing the life of God in her soul, may have more knowledge of the Divine testimonies than many of those whose office it is to explain and enforce them.

Then he quotes a Dr. Priestley who said,

It pleased God to distinguish several women with the spirit of prophecy, as well as other great attainments, to show that in his sight, and especially in things of a spiritual nature, there is no essential preeminence in the male sex, though it some thngs the female be subject to the male.

I am so glad that God is no respecter of persons.

There is in this something of a rebuke however. Men tend to get caught up in the business of ministry and miss the truly important stuff.

Thank God there was someone available to give an answer to the humble king. And thank God the king was willing to listen to that person regardless of whether or not they were male or female.

It is my belief we have many people sitting in our churches who have the word of the Lord but they are not being regarded because they don't have the "credentials" of man's authority structure. How sad.

I want to encourage myself and anyone else that may read this post to speak what God has put in your heart. Be ready to give the word of the Lord when consulted. Don't hold back because you don't think you have the education or the license. Earthly recognition should only be a recognition of what Heaven has put within us. Unfortunately many have come to believe that man can bestow anointing and unless a man or a committee of men have granted the right to speak one should not.

The only caution: Be sure it is the word of the Lord (in other words know the Lord and His word) and speak it in the timing of the Lord. Huldah spoke only when asked and she could speak because she knew what the word of the Lord was.

We are not living in a time when we can be timid any longer. We must speak truth regardless of whether it is perceived as a "good" word or not.

Rise up men and women of God! Proclaim as you are led by the Holy Spirit. You don't need mens credentials, you need God's.  If you know you have the word of the Lord, be prepared to give to those who need to hear it.

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