Thursday, May 2, 2013

What Can The Righteous Do?

If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?

Psa 11:3 NKJV

This question caught my attention this morning. In the past, I have viewed it as a hopeless question as if nothing can be done.

This morning the Holy Spirit stirred me to consider the things righteous people can do when things are falling apart around them.

1. Stay righteous.

There is nothing more troubling than to see those who have been strong in faith fall in times of great trial. On the other hand there is nothing more encouraging than to see those who have come through the fires of life with victory and joy.

Perserverance is vitally important at all times but never more necessary than in those times when the temptation is great to give up hope and to give in to the mindset of evil around us.

Jesus said the one who perserveres to the end will be saved.

He said to John, "He who overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne."

How easy it is when one sees justice being perverted and morality being trampled and ignored to give in either to bitterness and dispare or decide the battle to maintain personal standards is too hard and give in to the urges of the world, the flesh, and the devil.

2. Encourage others to stay on the path of righteousness.

This is especially the time when we need to seek out fellow worshippers of God and draw close to each other.

Tags become mute at a time like this. What matters is do they love Jesus and are they seeking after Him? If so don't worry about the label. If it won't matter in eternity, it shouldn't matter here. We are brothers and sisters and we need each other for encouragement, instruction, and strength.

The flip side of that coin is during these times we need to withdraw ourselves from those who are of a mind to follow the ways of the world they are living in. When evil is ruling the hearts of many it is crucial that the righteous put distance between themselves and those who refuse to be instructed and repent.

3. Become mighty in the place of prayer.

Jesus taught the disciples to pray, first and foremost, "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

It is His plan to exert His will and kingdom over the earth and it will happen because we pray and make ourselves available to be channels of the kingdom.

Remember, even in times of great wickedness there are still those who will hear the message of righteousness and embrace it. As we pray God will lead us to those hungry hearts who long to be free from their chains of sin and who desire to be different.

Peter gives some important instructions for the righteous in times like these.

2Pe 3:10-13 MSG

One of the key things I pick up Peter's advice is that we can actually "hasten" the coming of the Lord (NKJV). How? By our holy conduct and godliness.

Prayer is one of the chief ways we maintain those standards.

Remember, it was when God heard the cries of His people in Egypt He sent a deliverer. When the people of God truly call out for His return, He will come.

I think we have been far too comfortable with things as they are. Why should the Lord return? Do we really need Him?

Desparation seems to get God's attention.

4. Be strong in faith.

David really answers his own question in the next verses of the Psalm by reminding himself and us that the Lord not only sees what's going on but He will also avenge His people.

In verse five David declares, "The Lord tests the righteous, but the wicked the one who loves violence His soul hates."

God is storing up wrath and will rain "fire and brimstone and a burning wind shall be the portion of their cup."

The promise of God is that the "Meek shall inherit the earth." That is an unqualified promise. Though it tarry it will be fulfilled. We need only to remain faithful and strong in our faith.

Catch the last verse. "For the is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright."

These times test us, no doubt. Even sorely. But if we will hold to God's unchanging hand we will come out of these times victorious.

What can the righteous do? I think I have found some answers and I hope you have too.

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