Thursday, December 19, 2019

Guest Post From Joshua Flick

Back in early September, I walked into a job interview for a Canadian company that I knew nothing about. After spending the last six years working for an oil distributor as an outside salesman, I was ready to move on to something new but had no idea what God had in front of me. I just knew that it was time for a change as I had grown incredibly frustrated with where I was at and came to the conclusion that I had to move on.
As I walked into the lobby of the hotel where the interview was to be held I was greeted at the door by a man with a French accent.
After we grabbed some coffee and headed outside to the patio to talk, he said to me “do me a favor, take off the tie.  I understand you are showing respect by dressing up, but this is not going to be a typical interview; we are going to have more of a casual and relaxed conversation.”  I said, “Ok, no problem” and proceeded to remove my tie.

As we began to talk, I knew right away that this man was very different. He had no air about him, no arrogance, and no wall up. He was incredibly transparent and was just himself in the moment. And I knew within ten minutes of sitting down and speaking with him that I wanted to work for him. We just seemed to click in our philosophies of business and approach to life in general. It was a poignant moment in my life that I will never forget.

After an hour and a half, as I left the interview, I prayed “Lord, if this is what you have for me, then open every door. And if it’s not, then close the door and open a different one. I only want to be where YOU want me to be, and for whatever reason YOU have.”

Needless to say, I accepted the position and have been on the job now for close to two months. Over those last two months, I have experienced a tremendous amount of change.

In many conversations with friends and family and colleagues, before, during and after the process, they have all said the same thing, “I get it, you weren’t happy and needed to move on.” But it really wasn’t about me being happy. I reached a point of being unfulfilled in what I was doing every day. I recognized that despite not wanting to leave the comfort-ability of my job, God was leading me on to where HE wanted me to be.

Furthermore, I believe that happiness is a byproduct of obedience. And in all honesty, I have felt at times, tremendously overwhelmed with all that I have had to learn and understand with this new position.

With that being said, God does not call us to be happy. He calls us to be holy. And holiness requires refinement. But sometimes, we get hung up on pursuing happiness, instead of pursuing holiness. And holiness is ultimately what God desires for us because it is for our betterment, and eventually, makes us more like Him.

I am now part of a team of ten people that serve the Western Region of the US for this company and out of those ten, I have confirmed that five of us are believers. I’m not sure about the remaining five; one of those being the gentlemen I spoke of earlier, with whom I initially interviewed with for my new position. Nevertheless, I believe that God has strategically placed me where I am, at this time, for HIS purpose, regardless of MY happiness (although I can say that I am very happy in this position), and that fills my heart with joy and anticipation for the harvest that I know will come for the Kingdom.

Back in late 2015, during initial conversations with Jerry and Plum regarding my ordination with HRM, Jerry conveyed to me that God was showing him that Serena (my wife) and I were to be “marketplace missionaries” given that we currently work in the business sector and that God has strategically placed us here for His ultimate purpose and glory. Since taking this job, God has placed a tremendous burden on my heart for my boss. He is an amazing individual who already has a testimony of some extraordinary things that have happened to him but has no idea that those things were God ordained or sovereign.

I find it no coincidence that we are currently studying in the book of Jonah at our church this month. Now, we all know the story of Jonah, but I have learned some new things recently that are directly applicable to this situation.

First, the book of Jonah mirrors itself within its four chapters by replicating in that last two chapters what has transpired with the first two.

Jonah hears from the Lord, he then responds to that (not in a good way), and then is reflective of what has transpired. Then, God speaks to him again, he responds, and is reflective of what God’s response is to Nineveh.

We know by being students of the Word, that whenever something is mentioned more than once or is repeated in theme or storyline, this is a moment when God is trying to get our attention and speak to us.

Secondly, the city of Nineveh was actually a metal refinery. (insert raised eyebrow here). Yes, God was calling Jonah to a refinery! But, it is no accident that he was also trying to refine Jonah in the process of calling him there. Lastly, Jonah was perfectly ok with what God was saying about Nineveh, and wanted that as well, he just didn’t want to be the one to deliver the message of God to Nineveh. As my brother Jim often says; “we need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.” In other words, wherever God is calling us, and whatever He is calling us to do, it’s probably not going to be comfortable. And we need to be ok with that.

We live in a dark world that grows darker by the hour. But, we are light bearers. And more importantly, we are HIS light bearers that will illuminate this world for the Kingdom of God wherever we go and whatever we do!

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Kingdom of God - Part Six

“Has God Changed His Mind?”

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
(Gen 1:26-28 NKJV)

Introduction:  There has been a strong emphasis in the church for many years that heaven is our true home.  We sing about it constantly and preach about it frequently.  But is that really the case?

It is certainly true that this world system of government and lifestyle is not our home.  This world in its present condition is not our home.    The world as it now exists is a horrible perversion of what God had in mind.  But the world as God meant it to be is and will be our home.

There are three scriptures that we need to be examine in this matter.

Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.
(Rev 21:1 NKJV)

Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
(2Pe 3:13 NKJV)

Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.”
(Rev 21:2-3 NKJV)

As we pursue understanding of these passages we need to ask ourselves some questions:

1. What Did God Have In Mind When He Created The World And All That Is In It? And,
2. Has He Changed His Mind About His Original Plan?

What Did God Have In Mind When He Created The World And All That Is In It?

It is extremely important that we answer this question because it will define how we view ourselves and our connection to the Father’s plans.

Let’s examine the prayer Christ taught His disciples to pray to find a clue to answering this question.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  That is the very first thing on the list.  That tells me it is priority number one and it also tells me something about God’s purposes in creation.

Surely we have figured out by now that God always does things on a grand scale.  His vision takes in eternity.  When He sets something in motion it is with eternity in mind.  The earth, the universe, mankind, all of it is done from an eternal perspective.

Mankind was destined for ruler ship.  Dr. Myles Munroe believes that this desire for dominion is the driving force behind man’s search for meaning.

All of us, essentially, are restless at the very core of our being.  That is because each of us has a built-in drive to rule and dominate, to exercise control over our circumstances and environment.  Yet, very few of us experience this in reality.  For the vast majority of us, the opposite is true:  our circumstances and environment control us.  Something deep inside of us yearns for mastery and fulfillment that seem to be just outside our reach, as if we were meant for a destiny different than the one we are living. 

How often and in how many ways has the question been asked, “Why am I here?  What is my purpose for existing?”  There is only one answer to that question.  It is found in God’s design for us and we will never be happy until we found out what that is.

Paul E. Billheimer wrote this:

The universe, including this planet, was created for one purpose:  to provide a suitable habitation for the human race.  The human race was created in the image and likeness of God for one purpose:  to provide an eternal companion for His Son…The Church, then – the called-out body of redeemed humankind – turns out to be the central object, the goal, not only of mundane history but of all that God has been doing in all realms, from eternity. 


 [1] (Munroe M. , "Understanding the Principles of the Kingdom, c. 2007, Intro, p. 10)
[1] (Billheimer, "Destined For The Throne, c. 1975, p. 24)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Kingdom of God Series - The Government of God, Part Five

God is the supreme ruler of the universe and in that capacity has enacted a wonderful plan that includes you and I.

What is Man’s Part in All of This?

“Love Is Not Alone,” so said a very young artist some time ago (Akiane Kramarik). 

Again Dr. Myles Munroe chimes in with these thoughts:

"…if God is love, then His actions would naturally or supernaturally be the manifestation of the nature of love.  One of the obvious qualities of love is that love has to give and share itself.  If this be so, then the very nature of God would be to desire share His ruler ship and government.  In essence, love is fulfilled when it gives and shares itself."  (Munroe M. , Rediscovering The Kingdom, 2004, p. 25).

In the counsels of Heaven it was decided that the highest good God could achieve in this creation He was about to spin out from His presence was to do it in partnership with a being much like Himself although a created being.  This being would possess ability to will, to think and reason, and, most of all to love in much the same way as the Creator Himself. 

Additionally this being would be able to exercise authority over the creation God had made but the plan was that he/they would do so in a partnership relationship – one of stewardship, not ownership.  In return, God would provide for every need this being would ever have.  And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” Genesis 1:29, NKJV.  It was the ideal arrangement.  It still is.  But….We will address that in the next section.

The Cruel Deception.

The prince of the cherubim who had everything but who ended up with nothing convinced man that God was selling Him short and that there was more to be had.  Man fell for the deal and, like the liar who deceived him, lost all that he had.  Ever since then man has been searching for what was lost.  And that’s where the message of John the Baptist and Jesus comes into play.

The Divine Solution

The kingdom once lost now would become the kingdom restored.  Jesus, the God/Man, the second Adam, would reclaim what the first Adam had lost.  Once again the government of God would be reinserted into the world through redeemed mankind.  Once again man and God would partner to see the Kingdom of Heaven established on the earth as well.

That is the mission.  We have been commissioned to reassert the Kingdom of God on our planet and reclaim or, if you will, restore that kingdom to its rightful place as the government by which the earth is ruled.  That is what the church should be engaging in not personal kingdoms and domains but His kingdom and His righteousness.  We must see ourselves as extensions of His kingdom on the earth and make its message our highest priority by example as well as by our words.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Kingdom of God series - The Government of God, Part Four

Another necessity in regards to governing is the ability to know what is needed and not overstepping that boundary – only what is needed and no more because anything beyond that is tyranny. 

Again, man, by himself, falls short in this category.  God is the only one who meets that requirement because, as the Apostle John tells us: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”
(1Jn 4:7-8 NKJV)

You may ask how does love factor into the issue of government?  Follow this:  “not only does God have love, He IS love.”  One definition of love is “that which seeks the highest good of being.”  Another is “that which seeks the highest good for the object of its affection.” 

It is vitally important to understand that whatever God has done, is doing, or will ever do in the future grows first and foremost out of His love.  Whatever He has done was the very best thing He could have done in that circumstance or His love would have demanded He do something different.  Love is what governs our Heavenly Father.

One of the things God’s love demands is efficiency.  God isn’t wasteful in anything He does because His love demands that He seek the best possible means to accomplish His goal.  The establishment of His government on earth through mankind then was the very best thing He could do considering the goal He had in mind.  In other words it was, and still is, the most efficient way to accomplish what He wants to accomplish.

From these things we can draw some conclusions:

1. The fewer minds involved in the process of establishing and preserving order the better.

2. Those involved in the process need to have both the wisdom and power to not only to establish order but keep it.

3. Whatever order is established should never exceed the level of necessity, and,

4. Efficiency needs to be a very high priority.

Which brings us to a kingdom form of government for these reasons:

1) Power is vested in one person not many reducing the chances of conflict in the organization of the government, and,

2) One person is responsible for making sure the government is in the best interests of the subjects who are being governed.

Understand this only works if that person is motivated by seeking the best interests not only of themselves but their subjects as well.

Isaiah describes the one who perfectly fits that description:

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
(Isa 9:6-7 NKJV)

History hasn't given us many good examples of benevolent kings though I would say David's rule over Israel came close.

In spite of all that, a kingdom form of government is the one best suited for the human condition.  Let's show the world how wonderful the Kingdom of God is.

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Government of God - Part Three

From the last post I tried to establish why some form of government is needed:   

"Order necessitates some form of government.  Without it there is chaos.  In other words to have order there must be governing laws to bring about the order needed."

That leads us to examine what form of government is best suited to the human condition and why.

Why A Kingdom Form Of Government?

First of all, for there to be order someone has to assume responsibility for its organization and its preservation.  Whatever form of government is authored it must be 1) efficient and, 2) meet the needs of what it is governing. 

The problem with human governments typically is those organizing and attempting to preserve order have differing levels of understanding and power for maintaining that order and efficiency often takes a back seat to other considerations.

Can we admit that there isn’t a human being or a collection of human beings alive that possesses all the faculties necessary to be able to establish a government that perfectly meets the needs of all other human beings?

It can reasonably be assumed that the fewer minds involved in the process of formulating government the better as long as those minds are not only in agreement with what is needed but also have the power and willingness to carry out the requirements to preserve that order. 

Therein lies the rub.  One person’s ideas of what is needed often conflicts with that of another.  That is because, as stated, they each possess differing levels of understanding of the how much government is needed.

Not only that but who among us has the wisdom and power to not only establish this government but maintain it as well?

 That is where God comes into the picture. 

He rules not only by virtue of the fact that He created the universes but because He and He alone possesses all the capacities necessary to not only create order out of nothingness but the power to preserve that order – infinite wisdom, infinite power, and infinite presence (everywhere present at all times).

Let's stop there for now.  In the next blog we will talk more about how important God's form of government is to the earth and why it is the best kind of government for us.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Kingdom of God series - The Government of God Part Two

The Father had a specific design in mind when he created the earth and called it His footstool.  

And He had a specific design in mind when He created man and woman and put them in charge of the earth.  The earth was to be man’s domain and he was to rule over it even as he himself was being ruled by God.  

It was a plan so audacious that Satan, a now an unemployed cherub, sought to derail it and destroy it through malice and deceit and who is still trying to do so to this very day but will not succeed.  Jesus settled that matter when He yielded up the ghost on the cross but not before He had declared, “It is finished!”

But we are getting ahead of the story so let's back up and first talk about The Necessity of Government.

Here is what I call a working definition of government:  “the exercise of authority over a state, district, organization, institution, etc.; direction; control; rule; management;  the right, function, or power of governing; a system of ruling, controlling, etc.” (Webster's New American Standard Dict.)

All of these descriptions help us understand what government is about.  Take, for instance, the word "direction."  The purpose of government is to give direction, to guide activity, and to set boundaries for that activity.  It also serves to manage and control certain things important to preserving whatever it is supposed to be managing.

The need for government grows out of a need for order.  God used governmental authority when he created the world as we know it.  Listen to Genesis 1: 2 and 3:

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
(Gen 1:2-3 NKJV)

Out of chaos God created order.  That is the function of government and governing.  At least that is what it was intended to be. 

God intended for man to extend the kind of government He had created in heaven, the invisible realm, into the visible world.
There is another word that is important to this discussion.  Realm” is a key word because it is related to the idea of dominion.  A realm is a sphere of influence.  A king reigns over his realm or his sphere of influence.  If there is no realm, there is no rule.  If one has no territory or realm to rule or govern then it cannot truly be said that they reign or rule. 

With that in mind God’s sphere of influence, His realm, is the entire universe and all that is in it.  Man’s sphere of influence, his realm if you will, is the earth.

The author I quoted at the beginning of this section, Dr. Myles Munroe, has written extensively on the subject of the Kingdom of God and he offers this definition of dominion which is also related to the word realm.

To be given dominion means to be established as a sovereign, kingly ruler, master, governor, responsible for reigning over a designated territory, with the inherent authority to represent and embody as a symbol, the territory, resources and all that constitute that kingdom.
             (Myles Munroe, Rediscovering The Kingdom, 2004, p. 31)

As was said a moment ago, order necessitates some form of government.  Without it there is chaos.  In other words to have order there must be governing laws to bring about the order needed.

The Message translation of Genesis 1:2 and 3 puts it like this:

First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don't see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. God spoke: "Light!" And light appeared.
(Gen 1:1-3 MSG)
Order came out of chaos by God speaking authoritatively from a position of governmental power and exercising laws to accomplish His purpose.  By His very nature God is a god of order thus He is a god of laws and that implies government.  

This may shock some but God is governed.  It makes perfectly good sense when you think about it.  God is a moral being Himself or else He wouldn’t know how to create other moral beings.  That means He is governed by certain laws, laws that He has asked us to live by.  God has never asked us to be anything He isn’t willing to be Himself.

That's enough to think about for now.  In the next blog I will discuss what kind of government is the best form of government.  Stay tuned.