Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Divine Prerogative

2Sa 7:19 And this was yet but little in Your eyes, O Lord Jehovah. But You have spoken also of Your servant's house for a time afar off. And is this the law of men, O Lord Jehovah?

At first I was confused by David's question but then I understood it. He was asking if this is the usual way men deal with other men, especially those of lower estate, to promise to establish their kingdom forever? No. Usually one is concerned only with their own business, not that of another's. Wesley calls this "the prerogative of Divine grace."

I think of Yeshua who, though He was equal with His Father, took upon Himself the form of human flesh, lived among us, and offered Himself for us that we might become co-inheritors with Him of His Father's kingdom. There is no love like that love.

The old hymn rejoices, "How wonderful, how marvelous, and my song shall ever be, how wonderful, how marvelous is my Savior's love for me!" Indeed.

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