Wednesday, June 12, 2013

He Is My In Heritance

Psa 16:5O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot.
 Psa 16:11You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

I have often reflected on v. 5 in amazement and I do so again today. To think that the Lord is my inheritance is just overwhelming. But I also realize that David was saying that he had set his heart on making the Lord his inheritance. He wanted nothing less and nothing else.

As my wife has often said, "Heaven will not be heaven if Jesus isn't there." I would add the Father and the Holy Spirit to that.

"I've got a mansion just over the hilltop," means nothing. That's become one of my hobby horses I guess. We are so materialistic sometimes in our view of eternity. Mansions, streets of gold, visiting with loved ones, and talking with the apostles. O, and don't forget, singing with the angel band. As if that is all God had in mind.

What makes all that possible (even though I believe scriptures teaches that most of it isn't true)? It is the presence of the Living One who dwells in the midst of the Holy Flame. Why must our mortal put on immortality? So we can be in His presence.

You see, we are His reward and He is ours.

Verse 11 is my prayer and His promise as I set my affections upon Him and Him alone. Not His "stuff" but Him.  When we set our sights on Him, we discover He is the path of life.

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